
Stand Number: 1205

Project title: An investigation into feminine hygiene products – are they hygienic, or even safe?

Overview: This project investigates the most popular menstrual sanitary products and the potential consequences to our health. It will also explore alternative options to menstrual care.

School Name: Mount Sackville Secondary School

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 1206

Project title: The Detection and Dangers of Microplastics

Overview: This project outlines the health risks of ingesting microplastics and designs a method to detect their presence in water without the need for a microscope.

School Name: Salesian Secondary College

School County: Limerick

Stand Number: 1207

Project title: Menopause? How much do you know?

Overview: The aim of my project is to survey peoples’ understanding of menopause and to find out why there is such limited knowledge and awareness.

School Name: Abbey Vocational School

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 1208

Project title: EyeFocus: An evidence-based study on the development and effectiveness of a mobile app for Myopia prevention and eye health enhancements.

Overview: My project investigates the development and effectiveness of "EyeFocus," a mobile app to treat myopia and enhance eye health through evidence-based interventions and user engagement.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Mayo

Stand Number: 1209

Project title: The best treatment for Pectus Excavatum sucks, but that's a good thing.

Overview: Assessing GP’s knowledge of Pectus Excavatum and Vacuum Bell Therapy, alongside tracking effectiveness of Vacuum Bell Therapy in a 14 year-old patient.

School Name: Malahide Community School

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 1210

Project title: Breaking The Cycle: Evaluating the investment in non-addictive alternatives to current medications.

Overview: A statistical investigation of the silent health crisis caused by drugs such as opioids, stimulants and benzodiazepines.

School Name: St Marys College Arklow

School County: Wicklow

Stand Number: 1211

Project title: Secure Hands: Enhancing the efficiency in emergency communication through Irish Sign Language in Ireland through the integration of Machine Learning in a mobile app.

Overview: This project develops a mobile app using machine learning to enhance proficiency in communication with Irish Sign Language users to support Ireland's emergency responders.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Mayo

Stand Number: 1212

Project title: Castaway

Overview: My project is a newly designed way for people in the recovery process of an injured bone to have a more efficient, comfortable healing journey.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Mayo

Stand Number: 1213

Project title: Wii Calm: Reducing Rage In Gaming

Overview: This project aims to investigate how to reduce feelings of frustration or rage while playing video games.

School Name: Scoil Mhuire gan Smal

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 1214

Project title: Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia

Overview: Researching Alzheimer's and Dementia and creating a pamphlet for young children and teenagers to help them understand the issue better

School Name: Home School - Monaghan

School County: Monaghan