Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5207

Project title: Are environmentally friendly fertilisers a viable alternative: comparing the impact of different fertilisers on crop yield

Overview: The aim of this project is to investigate the effectiveness of various fertilisers on crop yield and comparing those with lower environmental impact.

School Name: Woodbrook College

School County: Wicklow

Stand Number: 5208

Project title: Biofluorescence as Renewable Light Energy Through the Form of Cacti

Overview: This project is connected to the one I did last year on biofluorescence. I worked in the summer, expanding it and finding real life uses.

School Name: Loreto College Swords

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5209

Project title: Vapes - Quantifying damage on developing systems (experimental approach)

Overview: Experiment to empirically explore the damage caused by vape juice (“Vape”) to developing plant, animal & fungal systems.

School Name: Christian Brothers College

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5210

Project title: Ridiculing RICE - Producing a Proper Protocol for Acute Soft Tissue Injuries

Overview: My project aims to investigate whether the current protocol widely used for acute soft tissue injuries (RICE) is best practice.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5211

Project title: Rush To Renewable: An investigation into the biofuel potential from invasive farmland weeds such as rush and dock leaves

Overview: This project investigates the production of bioethanol from fermenting docks and rushes with the aim of producing biofuel as a renewable source of energy.

School Name: Colaiste Treasa

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5212

Project title: The role of radiomics and machine learning approaches to revolutionise modern-day Alzheimer’s screening.

Overview: This project aims to revolutionize Alzheimer's screening using radiomics and machine learning to identify early, imperceptible features, enhancing early detection and preventive care strategies.

School Name: Mount Mercy College

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5213

Project title: Is manual removal effective as a method of invasive species control in amphibians

Overview: This project aims to use manual removal to tackle an invasive species problem in a native Irish habitat.

School Name: The Institute of Education

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5214

Project title: Yummy, yummy! Uh Oh! Microplastics in My Tummy...

Overview: My project aims to investigate if different food preparation techniques such as chopping, mixing, and blending can introduce microplastics into food.

School Name: Presentation Secondary School Listowel

School County: Kerry

Stand Number: 5215

Project title: Forever farming - Sustainable Pest Control

Overview: During this project, I plan to investigate if there is an alternative to using harsh chemically based pesticides in treating flies on cows.

School Name: Meán Scoil an Chlochair

School County: Westmeath

Stand Number: 5216

Project title: Are dog whelks (Nucella lapillus) selective about the size of their prey (Mytelus edulis)?

Overview: An investigation into whether dog whelks (Nucella lapillus) are selective about the size of the mussels (Mytelus edulis) that they prey on.

School Name: Mary Immaculate Secondary School

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5217

Project title: Little Worms In Fish: An investigation into fish parasites

Overview: This project examines the parasite Anisakis in Irish fish. Investigating how its increasing prevalence, which effects they have on consumers, and methods for eliminating them.

School Name: Colaiste Muire Crosshaven

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5218

Project title: Project Triangulatus: The role of native predators in managing Flatworm invasions

Overview: Investigating a solution to the increasing population of invasive flatworm species through native predatory insects

School Name: St Joseph's Secondary School Rush

School County: Dublin