Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5219

Project title: Is the teabag method a more sustainable way of water testing?

Overview: I am looking to see if I can find a more sustainable method for obtaining the trophic level of lakes - Tea bag method

School Name: Mary Immaculate Secondary School

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5220

Project title: Investigating the effect of light and temperature on the bleaching of Corallina officinalis

Overview: Investigating the effects of different temperatures and light intensity on the bleaching of Corallina officinalis.

School Name: Mary Immaculate Secondary School

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5221

Project title: Feamainn - an leasachán foirfe é

Overview: ag féachaint ar na fáthanna go bhfuil feamainn ina leasachán foirfe, ag tástáil leibhéil chothaitheach ithreach, leibhéil coinneála uisce leibhéil ph, tástálacha ceimiceacha agus anailís

School Name: Coláiste Ghobnait

School County: Galway

Stand Number: 5300

Project title: How certain foods inhibit the breakdown of sucrose to help long distance runners

Overview: Testing how inhibitors in food impact the rate the enzyme sucrase breaks down sucrose to inform athletes and diabetics of the impacts.

School Name: Gonzaga College

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5301

Project title: EcoLytix: ML-Powered Environmental Monitoring and Spectral Analysis of invasive Rhododendron Ponticum

Overview: ML-Powered remote monitoring and analysis of invasive species such as Rhododendron Ponticum to aid in environmental protection.

School Name: Kinsale Community School

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5302

Project title: Harnessing Donegal's Coastal Wealth: The sustainable & renewable harvesting of Donegal seaweed using the advanced solar drying method for biodiesel production

Overview: Using sustainable harvesting techniques and advanced drying methods to extract biodiesel from under-utilised seaweed species in Donegal, from Portsalon to Portnoo!

School Name: St Columba's Comprehensive School

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5303

Project title: Cropping and Docking: Cool or Cruel?

Overview: This project will delve into the topic of is it cruel to permanently alter a dog’s ears and tail for aesthetic purposes.

School Name: St Mary's Secondary School Macroom

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5304

Project title: A comparative study of the diversity and frequency of fungi between native and planted forests in Wicklow

Overview: My project aims to find out if there are any significant correlation in fungi populations between native or planted forests

School Name: St David's Holy Faith Secondary

School County: Wicklow

Stand Number: 5305

Project title: Sealing The Future, Polymer based adhesives for safer internal wound healing

Overview: This project aims to revolutionise post-surgical care by developing an innovative polymer-based adhesive, offering faster healing, reduced infections, and a more comfortable recovery for patients.

School Name: Adamstown Community College

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5306

Project title: The Protective Effect of Lycopene on Dermal Fibroblasts under UV Induced Oxidative Stress

Overview: The protective effect of lycopene on dermal fibroblasts under UV Induced oxidative stress and if lycopene increases cell viability.

School Name: Mercy Secondary School Mounthawk

School County: Kerry

Stand Number: 5307

Project title: Investigating the antimicrobial properties of the Willow tree: Examining the plants potential uses in the pending global antimicrobial resistance crisis.

Overview: Can the compounds found in the willow tree serve as an effective natural antimicrobial remedy against common pathogens, and how they compare to synthetic antimicrobials.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Mayo

Stand Number: 5308

Project title: Investigating the effectiveness of zeolites as a soil amendment to reduce nitrate runoff from fertilisers.

Overview: To investigate the effectiveness of zeolites at reducing nitrate loss through runoff water from fertilisers to increase the bioavailability of the fertiliser and prevent eutrophication.

School Name: Tullamore College

School County: Offaly