Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5309

Project title: We Mosst Remove Heavy Metals From Water. A biological solution to heavy metal pollution.

Overview: I am investigating whether there is a way to create a natural and environmentally friendly way to remove heavy metals from the Avoca river.

School Name: St Marys College Arklow

School County: Wicklow

Stand Number: 5310

Project title: A study into maximising ACRES payments for Grassland Farmers

Overview: A study on ACRES and the possibility of a farmer adjusting grazing pattern on their land to positively influence the ACRES Score and financial payment.

School Name: Árdscoil na mBráithre

School County: Tipperary

Stand Number: 5311

Project title: An investigation into the feasibility of using Ulva lactuca as a method in the removal of nitrates and phosphates from sea water.

Overview: I am looking at how effective Ulva lactuca is in removing nitrates and phosphates from sea water and if salinity affects its effectiveness.

School Name: Mary Immaculate Secondary School

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5312

Project title: Identification of Potential New Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

Overview: My aim is to find promising new treatment options for pancreatic cancer and to stimulate clinical testing of the potential new treatments that I identify.

School Name: St Andrews College

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5313

Project title: Nature takes on nature to eradicate invasive species.

Overview: to investigate the inhibitory effect of Juglone extracted from the hull of the Black Walnut tree on the growth and eradication of Japanese Knotweed.

School Name: Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí

School County: Kerry

Stand Number: 5314

Project title: To investigate the Influence of LED Light Spectral Variations on Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Vitamin C Composition.

Overview: To investigate the influence of LED light spectral variations on Basil, Vitamin C composition using high performance Liquid Chromatography.

School Name: Mungret Community College

School County: Limerick

Stand Number: 5315

Project title: An Assessment of the Ecology of Tacumshin Lake and wetlands.

Overview: I will investigate the health of the ecosystem of Tacumshin lake and wetlands, including impacts of human activity e.g. pollution (lead and nitrates), disturbance.

School Name: Coláiste Abbáin

School County: Wexford

Stand Number: 5316

Project title: Biodegradation: a continued investigation into how plastic-to-worm & worm-to-plastic ratios affect biodegradation rates.

Overview: My continued project's goal is to investigate the effects of how to change the ratio of Galleria Mellonella to plastic & plastic to Galleria Mellonella.

School Name: Colaiste Muire Crosshaven

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5317

Project title: An analysis of the effect of equine therapy on the performance levels of horses

Overview: I will be looking at the effect of physiotherapy on competition horses.

School Name: Loreto Community School

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5400

Project title: What sugar and tea does kombucha tea prefer?

Overview: Assessing how changing the tea and sugar components in kombucha tea will affect the fermentation process.

School Name: St Mary's Diocesan School

School County: Louth

Stand Number: 5401

Project title: Analysing the environmental effect of war using C.A.W.E.C.O. - Calculator Assessing War's Environmental Cost and Outcome

Overview: Our project aims to inform people of the impact war has on the environment and to calculate how devastatingly toxic that impact is using C.A.W.E.C.O.

School Name: Seamount College

School County: Galway

Stand Number: 5402

Project title: Herd Herbs: Herbal Remedies to Prevent Mastitis in Dairy Cows

Overview: This project examines garlic, turmeric, and aloe vera's effectiveness in naturally preventing mastitis, aiming to reduce antibiotic reliance and improve livestock health on Dairy farms.

School Name: St Joseph's Community College

School County: Clare