Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5403

Project title: Bird Flu - Should we be worried or wing it?

Overview: An Investigation into the human threat of bird flu and the prevalence of the H5N1 virus in native bird droppings.

School Name: Castleblayney College

School County: Monaghan

Stand Number: 5404

Project title: Imscrúdú ar éífeacht bhrú atmaisféarach fola ar bhrú fola ag aoisghrúpaí éagsúla

Overview: Tá muid chun brú fola daoine ag aoiseanna éagsúla a thomhas ag brú atmaisféarach éagsúl thar thréímhse dhá mhí

School Name: Coláiste Ailigh

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5405

Project title: An investigation into skin microbiomes of people who identify as highly-attractive and bitten by mosquitoes and poorly-attractive and not bitten by mosquitoes.

Overview: I will investigate if there are differences in the skin microbiomes of people who identify as bitten by mosquitoes and not bitten by mosquitoes.

School Name: Abbey Vocational School

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5406

Project title: An Investigation into using Total Leaf-Area as a predictive tool for determining below-ground biomass at all stages in the growth of selected Root-Crop Plants.

Overview: This study explores using leaf-area and UAV imagery with machine learning to predict below-ground biomass in root crops during a 6-month field experiment.

School Name: St Mary's Secondary School Mallow

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5407

Project title: Using Biological Indicators to investigate the Air Quality in Co. Armagh.

Overview: We are investigating the number of Tar spots on Sycamore leaves and also the presence of Lichens on trees to find out about air quality.

School Name: St Patrick's High School

School County: Armagh

Stand Number: 5408

Project title: Na hÉifeachtaí minicíochta fuaime ar fhás plandaí

Overview: Déanfaidh muid staidear ar éifeachtaí minicíochta fuaime ar fhás plandaí.

School Name: Coláiste Ailigh

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5409

Project title: A mixed method observational study of our local bird population and their feeding behaviour

Overview: Our project is a mixed method observational study of the feeding patterns and behaviours of our local birds

School Name: Scoil Mhuire

School County: Roscommon

Stand Number: 5410

Project title: The Study of Air Quality Using Leaf Yeast in Roscommon

Overview: Analysing leaf yeast to detect air quality in areas around Roscommon. Focusing on areas near where a new road is being built.

School Name: Elphin Community College

School County: Roscommon

Stand Number: 5500

Project title: KEVIN - An AI model for diagnosing Keratoconus

Overview: KEVIN is an AI model which uses state of the art algorithms to diagnose Keratoconus from corneal topography scans

School Name: Stratford College

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5501

Project title: Assessing the effectiveness of the Deposit Return Scheme in reducing plastic waste in Cork

Overview: Assessing the effectiveness of the Deposit Return Scheme in reducing plastic waste in Cork.

School Name: Regina Mundi College

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5502

Project title: Microplastics on the Menu: Food in Markets versus Supermarkets

Overview: Our project aims to examine the differences between buying food in plastic versus without. We aim to test for microplastics in both to discover this.

School Name: St Mary's High School

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5503

Project title: How do different fertilisers affect microorganisms

Overview: We are investigating the effect different fertilisers have on the soil microbiome.

School Name: Castlecomer Community School

School County: Kilkenny