Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5504

Project title: Is Your Head In The Game?

Overview: Our project wishes to examine and demonstrate the impact a mental warmup has on performance levels in camogie trainings, skill tests and matches.

School Name: St. Joseph's Secondary School, Navan,

School County: Meath

Stand Number: 5505

Project title: Fogponics: An Investigation into Better Crop Production

Overview: An investigation into the difference between fogponics and aeroponics and are pollutant nutrients from farms more beneficial for growth than nutrient solutions purchased online

School Name: Clonakilty Community College

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5506

Project title: Can exercise positively influence academic performance? An investigation into the effects of exercise on primary school students' academic achievements

Overview: We will analyse if exercise affects the concentration levels of children. Participants will carry out written assessments and exercise activities during this experiment.

School Name: Coláiste Choilm

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5507

Project title: The effect of blue oyster mushrooms on the rate of decomposition of waste.

Overview: We will be testing the effect of mushrooms on the rate of decomposition of waste in a controlled environment.

School Name: St John Bosco Community College

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5508

Project title: Which breathing technique is most effective in reducing symptoms of exercise induced bronchoconstriction : Buteyko vs Alternate Nostril Breathing

Overview: Our project researches whether Buteyko or Alternate Nostril breathing is most effective in reducing symptoms of exercise induced bronchoconstriction over 6 weeks

School Name: Coláiste Choilm

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5509

Project title: Return: An investigation into Irish people’s opinions and attitudes on our new recycling system.

Overview: A statical analysis on whether the new recycling system in Ireland is beneficial or not. We will carry out a survey on the public views

School Name: Borrisokane Community College

School County: Tipperary

Stand Number: 5510

Project title: Water purification

Overview: The project idea is to purify water in cattle drinkers by using plants therefore reducing cost and reducing use of harmful chemicals

School Name: Wilson's Hospital School

School County: Westmeath

Stand Number: 5511

Project title: Are Slurry Additives the future of farming?

Overview: The objective of this investigation is to determine if slurry additives not only improve soil health, while also maximising grass growth.

School Name: Cistercian College Roscrea

School County: Tipperary

Stand Number: 5512

Project title: The CURT: A Cork Underground Rapid Transit system designed by the Physarum Polycephalum slime mould.

Overview: Our project aims to examine the growth of physarum polycephalum mould and use this to develop an underground rail system for Cork City.

School Name: Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5513

Project title: Alage bloom vs cobalt plume, éifeacht tiúchan cóbalt ar ráta fáis Mighty Spirulina

Overview: Déanfaidh an tionscadal seo scrúdú ar na tionchair chomhshaoil a bhaineann le tiúchan cóbalt a mhéadú ar rátaí fáis Spirulina

School Name: Coláiste Ailigh

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5514

Project title: Lovely Bubbly Bladderwrack: Investigating the effect of exposure on the size of air bladders on Bladderwrack.

Overview: We will investigate the effect of environmental conditions on the quantity and size of bubbles on bladderwrack seaweed in three different locations.

School Name: St. Joseph's Secondary School Spanish Point

School County: Clare

Stand Number: 5515

Project title: Liver Lifeline

Overview: Our project, "Liver Lifeline" is an experiment to investigate if oxidising agents have the same effect on the liver as recommended supplements.

School Name: Tullamore College

School County: Offaly