Student Projects - Biological And Ecological

Stand Number: 5540

Project title: Utilizing and repurposing household waste into mushroom based materials

Overview: Utilizing and repurposing household waste into mushroom based materials

School Name: Árdscoil Uí Urmoltaigh

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5541

Project title: Waste to Watts: Harnessing Microbial Fuel Cells as a renewable resource for Developing Countries.

Overview: Our aim is to investigate the efficiency of jelly-enclosed versus freely-suspended microbial fuel cells using artificial urine and faeces for sustainable energy generation in developing

School Name: St Bricin's College

School County: Cavan

Stand Number: 5542

Project title: The antibacterial properties of algae

Overview: Using the bioactive compounds in marine algae to create more accessible antibiotics for lower economic developed countries.

School Name: Sutton Park School

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 5543

Project title: A continued ecological study of the effects of a sewage treatment plant on the biodiversity of Mulroy Bay

Overview: Project is a continued study of looking at Mulroy bay and comparing the water quality before and after the sewage system is in place

School Name: Loreto Community School

School County: Donegal

Stand Number: 5544

Project title: Could the Lough Derg disaster have been prevented?

Overview: To test algae to combat nitrates and harvest that algae before it blooms to avoid what happened in Lough Derg.

School Name: Árdscoil Uí Urmoltaigh

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5600

Project title: Oh Deer: An investigation into how deer overpopulation might be biodiversity, agriculture and road safety’s biggest rut.

Overview: For our BTYSE project, we are investigating how the deer population in Ireland has severely impacted biodiversity loss, road safety and agriculture in Ireland.

School Name: St Mary's Secondary School Macroom

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5601

Project title: An tionchar agus Leigheasacháin do Grabhóig Rubar sa Timpeallacht

Overview: Is é aidhm an iniúchadh seo ná chun aimsiú an éifeacht timpeallachta de ghrabhóig rubair nó ‘Astro Turf’

School Name: Gaelcholáiste Mhuire

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5602

Project title: Is Your Fire Killing You?

Overview: A continuing investigation into which solid fuels burned in fireplaces are better and worse and the effect burning them has on health and the environment

School Name: Loreto Secondary School

School County: Kilkenny

Stand Number: 5603

Project title: The Effects of Acid Rain on Plant Growth: Implications for Bogland Sustainability

Overview: Bogs are flat wetland whose primary supply of water and nutrients is from rainfall. What happens when "acid rain" falls? The effects are detrimental.

School Name: Our Lady's Bower

School County: Westmeath

Stand Number: 5604

Project title: Microplastics in the Irish Brown Crab

Overview: Our aim is to observe the microplastic pollution of Ireland's waters, through the use of the edible Irish brown crab.

School Name: Midleton College

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5605

Project title: Fingerprinting Water and determining its age to help improve the quality of our rivers

Overview: Ireland has a large agricultural community. Overuse of slurry and fertilizer causes runoff to enter our streams and impacts over 1,000 streams.

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 5606

Project title: An investigation into the use of natural compost vs slurry and synthetic fertilisers in a community garden.

Overview: We are investigating which medium of natural compost is most effective the cultivation of crops in our potassium and macro organism deficient garden

School Name: Mount St Michael

School County: Cork