Student Projects - Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences

Stand Number: 3207

Project title: A mathematical investigation into how the loft of a golf club affects the golf ball and its flight path.

Overview: An investigation into how the loft [angle of a club relative to the ground] affects a golf ball during flight.

School Name: Blackrock College

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 3209

Project title: Investigating if Cloud Microphysics could be used to predict future atmospheric turbulences

Overview: Using a combination of theoretical, observational and simulation-based approaches, I will investigate if it is possible to predict future atmospheric turbulences using cloud microphysics.

School Name: St Dominic's High School

School County: Antrim

Stand Number: 3210

Project title: How does the density of a material affect the pathway of electrons during the formation of a Lichtenberg figure?

Overview: Experimenting with different materials to determine if density affects the pattern of electrons in Lichtenberg figures.

School Name: St Peter's Community School

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 3211

Project title: Spoiler Alert: pH Responsive Packaging for Food Preservation.

Overview: This project aims to create a biodegradable pH film that can be used to alert consumers when food has deteriorated to reduce food waste.

School Name: Dungarvan CBS

School County: Waterford

Stand Number: 3212

Project title: Go With The Flow - Developing a reliable and robust water current monitoring system.

Overview: Developing a reliable and robust water current monitoring system that is both inexpensive and effective while transmitting data wirelessly using LoRa technology.

School Name: St Joseph's Secondary School Rush

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 3213

Project title: Tidal Forces: Investigating the Performance and Efficiency of Wave Energy Systems

Overview: Exploring the potential of wave energy as a sustainable source of power by investigating and analysing its efficiency across varying wave conditions.

School Name: St Joseph's Secondary School Rush

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 3214

Project title: Lost, Found, and Optimised: A novel, revised outlook on Bellman’s Lost-in-a-Forest Problem

Overview: Bellman’s Lost-in-a-Forest problem, an unsolved minimisation problem, will be explored and approached using modern computational tools and AI to advance our understanding in geometric optimisation.

School Name: Athlone Community College

School County: Westmeath

Stand Number: 3300

Project title: Using Benford's Law To Detect Electoral Fraud

Overview: Election Voter Fraud is a current and worrying topic in modern society, this project aims to use Benford’s mathematical phenomenon to identify potential voter fraud.

School Name: Desmond College

School County: Limerick

Stand Number: 3301

Project title: An investigation concerning the existence of a secondary atmosphere on 55 Cancri e using transmission and thermal emission spectroscopy

Overview: This project seeks to investigate the existence of a secondary atmosphere on 55 Cancri e using data from the JWST.

School Name: Coláiste Fionnchua

School County: Cork

Stand Number: 3302

Project title: Hydro-Cyclone Impact Index: An improved framework to measure hurricane intensity using storm surge and rainfall as additional factors for evaluation.

Overview: An improved scale to measure hurricane intensity using storm surge and rainfall as another factor for evaluation.

School Name: The Institute of Education

School County: Dublin

Stand Number: 3303

Project title: Play The Game - An application of the Nash Equilibrium strategy to model human competitiveness, filtered by age and gender

Overview: An investigation into the use of game theory and Nash equilibriums to estimate what strategies people will use in the Prisoner Dilemma.

School Name: Ursuline College

School County: Sligo